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“4X100”空间尺度的设计比较研究 | 陈宏良xOriols
发布时间:2023.02.14        查看次数:297




天萌国际设计 董事长、总建筑师

  • 建筑因自然而美好,自然山水因建筑而升华。

  • 设计灵感来源于不断地推敲思考。

  • 体验感是各尺度之间的共性。

  • 规划是上帝视角,建筑是行人视角,室内是家人视角。

Oriol Ribas Satorras

西班牙SOG Design 合伙人

  • 永恒的挑战、当代的挑战、未来的挑战。

  • 最大的挑战是在项目中各利益元素的协调。

  • 如果将空间排除在与人的关系之外,空间就没有意义。

  • 建筑不能只对自己说话。


简介:天萌国际设计董事长、总建筑师,羊城设计联盟副会长,亚太酒店协会副会长,大湾区城市建设智库副主席,国家一级注册建筑师、高级工程师,广东工业大学校外研究生导师。曾入编“中国当代青年建筑师”年鉴, 荣获“IHFO 中外酒店建筑设计大师”,30 余年来在城市规划、酒店、办公建筑、商业及综合体、住宅建筑、文旅小镇等多个领域均有落成及获奖项目。


01. 在熟悉的空间尺度中














02. 在其他和整体尺度中











03. 延展探讨





04. 问题漂流瓶



 嘉宾2:Oriol Ribas Satorras

简介:毕业于巴塞罗那高等建筑学院(ETSAB),2005年获得加泰罗尼亚建筑师协会注册建筑师资格,拥有20年的建筑设计工作经验,2013年,Oriol与 Gemma Domingo,Sergio Alonso在巴塞罗那共同创立了SOG design,并开设广州分公司,SOG开始与多家本地公司进行一系列的项目合作,包括住宅、酒店、综合体和城市规划。


01. In the familiar spatial scale(在熟悉的空间尺度中)

(1)What is your major in design (research)? What is the main scale?(您的设计(研究)主专业是?主要尺度在哪个范围?

During my first years at university most of my studies and research focused on medium scale architecture. Social housing and the improvement of public spaces in residential communities were the initial starting point.

This interest in the community, the dynamics of coexistence and the urban fabric beyond individual housing, would guide my professional development towards urban design, master planning and reflecting on the future of cities.



(2)In this scale, what do you think is the most important problem to be solved by design? How did you solve it and what unique experience do you have?(在这个尺度中,您认为设计最重要解决的问题是什么?您是如何解决的,有何独到的经验?)

When we talk about urbanism, the range of challenges that arise are many and varied. That was probably one of the main reasons that aroused my interest in this field over other more specialized design disciplines.

When considering a new urban fabric, we tend to divide the problems into three groups:


Timeless Challenges. Among them we find budgetary, traditional and cultural elements, relations between public and private space, urban porosity .... to name a few.

In my experience, to face this kind of challenges, the collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of professionals, including local architects and designers, together with the communication with the client (public or private), is fundamental to understand the needs that our design must satisfy.


Contemporary Challenges. Issues such as current regulations, energy consumption, traffic and transportation, sustainability, customs, economic fabric and social dynamics are some of the challenges we face today but which change and flow with the passage of time.

In this case, the study of similar cases, the importation of ideas that have proven effective elsewhere, serves as a starting point for our work. Re-evaluate the more traditional solutions to separate those that work from those that are no longer relevant.


Future Challenges. When we consider an urban space, we cannot forget the durability of its ideas and design. Being optimistic, an urban space will have a useful life of about a century (in many cases its life is much longer). With this idea in mind, issues such as flexibility in the use of spaces, multifunctionality of facilities and the creation of a city that evolves and grows with its residents and users, becomes a pillar of design.


No one can predict the future, but neither can we ignore it. SOG Design, through its international experience and thanks to a multigenerational and multicultural team, introduces this element of change and flexibility in each of its designs.

未来不可预测,但同样不能忽视。我们的团队SOG Design综合国际项目经验以及多代和多文化的团队,致力于在项目设计中融入变化和灵活性元素。

(3)In this scale, what is the most satisfying design work for you? What is the goal of the work?(在这个尺度中,最让您自己满意的设计作品是什么?作品达到了怎样的目标?)

The initial phases of the project tend to be the most satisfying, despite being the most delicate. Understanding the project, its community, the communication with the team, with the client and the exchange of ideas and proposals, is intellectually stimulating and a very enriching process of learning and reflection.


Several projects have been tremendously stimulating in recent years. But as an example we can talk about the Animal Shelter Master plan in Vietnam.

Located in Láo Cai province, an iconic valley in the northwest of Vietnam, this eco-tourism project presented us with the opportunity to put into practice many of the principles we have discussed so far.



The main points of this project were varied and difficult to reconcile.

From an ecological point of view, the project was to maintain and help finance a refuge for exotic animals rescued from traffickers by the authorities.

It was imperative to minimize the impact of the project on the existing landscape.

The project was to stimulate the economy of the local population, based on agriculture and local crafts.


From a commercial point of view, the project was to be part of an overall regional initiative to encourage and attract local and foreign tourism as a form of economic revitalization. The promoter, being a private entity, also prioritized the importance of the project being economically restored in the shortest possible time.

Reconciling the demands of the project and at the same time creating an urban and economic fabric that can survive the passage of time was the central idea in our design.


We approached the first problem by proposing an elevated greenbelt, traversed by a pedestrian walkway that will allow to see the different points of the animal shelter without the need to interact with them. This will raise awareness of the problem of animal trafficking, while giving commercial value to the activity.

The large covered market at the entrance of the project serves as a commercial center for the local community and plays a multi-functional role with flexible spaces that can have a commercial, cultural or panoramic use thanks to its location and design.


In relation to the client's economic requirements, we centered the commercial, residential and tourist activity at the lowest point of the site. This allows us to minimize the presence of the project in the landscape while creating a sustainable and dynamic urban fabric.


(4)What is the most challenging job on this scale? What advantages do you think you have?(在这个尺度中,最富有挑战性的工作是什么?您认为自己有怎样的优势?)

Perhaps the greatest challenge lies in the conciliation of interests that occurs in a project of these dimensions. Within an urban space we have a great variety of actors with different interests, which sometimes come into conflict. Economic interests, social interests, lifestyles, cultural differences in the use of space, and differences in priorities.


Faced with this problem, SOG Design has had the good fortune to be founded in the city of Barcelona, a city that while not perfect, has not stopped evolving and re-evaluating its urban spaces and the relationship it has with citizens and economy over the last 30 years. From the 1992 Olympics to the 2022 super block, Barcelona has approached its urbanism as something alive and evolving with the times and SOG Design has been present throughout the process.

面对这类问题,我们的团队SOG Design 有幸在巴塞罗那市成立,这座城市虽然不完美,但一直在不断发展和变革其城市空间以及它与市民和经济的关系。过去30年。从1992年奥运会到2022年超级街区,巴塞罗那将其城市化视为一种与时俱进、不断发展的事物,而 SOG Design 则经历了整个过程。

On the other hand, the international experience that our work in more than 20 countries has given me over the last 15 years, together with the enormous number of professionals with whom I have had the opportunity to collaborate, have been fundamental in establishing my understanding of urban spaces, their inhabitants, their challenges and their possibilities.


(5)In this scale, how to understand the relationship between space and people?(在这个尺度中,如何认识空间与人的关系?)

Space has no meaning (at least from a human point of view) if we exclude it from its relation with people. On the other hand, people cannot exist in the absence of space. Ever since man has had an impact on the spaces he inhabits. This impact has sometimes been voluntary and with a positive intention, in other cases this impact is unintentional and with very negative consequences for the space and for the human being. This principle, apparently obvious, is a good starting point when we consider the development of new urban spaces.


02. At other and overall scales(在其他和整体尺度中)

(1)What is the mutual inspiration of different scales? How to break through the limitation of scale?(不同尺度的相互启发是什么?如何突破尺度的限制?

The mutual inspiration in the different scales is continuity. The building of a given scale will be influenced by and give continuity to the city it is expressing. Architecture is a balance that expresses what is happening inside while at the same time expressing what is happening around it. Architecture cannot speak only to itself.


(2)What is the commonness or continuity between the design of various scales?(各尺度设计之间的共性或延续性是什么?

The concept, the rational method that leads us to a conclusion, can become architecture, a construction detail or a great city. From the spoon to the city and all that.


(3)What is the difference between the designs of various scales?(各尺度设计之间的差异是什么?)

In essence there is no difference, in methodology there is a myriad of differences. The whole design is a reflection made visible and tangible. The basic elements remain the same: Aesthetic elements, pragmatic elements, cultural elements, functional elements, material elements, environmental elements .....


03. Problem drift bottle(问题漂流瓶)

我想提的问:Which professionals should be or not be involved in the design process?(什么专业与设计相关或无关?)


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